Energize Your Stats with these Free Dynamic Charts and Graphs
Interactive infographic is a pure godsend for those who deal with bulks of data that need to be sorted and effectively presented. For a long time displaying...
Interactive infographic is a pure godsend for those who deal with bulks of data that need to be sorted and effectively presented. For a long time displaying...
I’ve traveled a lot this year: 3 continents, 21 countries and 9 months. I thought about writing about my past travels as well as having a place...
Not every design looks good with some of that Arial magic in it. Or Tahoma magic. Or, horror of horrors, Comic Sans magic. And don’t get me...
Hello guys and girls, today we are super excited to announce you that we are celebrating the #100 of our weekly newsletter and with this occasion we...
I hate icons. Scratch that. I hate looking for icons when I need them. Sometimes I get stuck for literally an hour or so doing that. And...
Today we are glad to present to you Monstroid – one of the most ambitious and, perhaps the most versatile WordPress themes around. It was conceived as...
Emotional design aims to invoke actual, positive emotions from a user. These emotions can be anything from happiness and joy to pleasure and delight. When you want...
For some reason, most icon sets themed after web development tend to be a bit boring and overall uninteresting. It’s just the nature of the topic, and...