A carefully hand picked compilation of best news and resources from web design and development world.
weekly digest #322

# Highlights
The decision to give some part of their work for free turns to be quite complicated for...
Feel like you’re not getting enough appreciation at work? You’re probably right
Sometimes I run into situations where I need additional CSS class names to manipulate...
If A and B are orthogonal, then changing A does not change B, and vice-versa...
We'll talk about grids, what they are, their history, and how to master them.
How do you stay relevant and advance your career in an ever-evolving field like design?
# Useful
The biggest reason that I like SSGs like Eleventy is that I can have a completely...
CSS frameworks often don't provide simple ways to opt-in to only what you are using...
Blocks UI
A JSX-based page builder for creating beautiful websites
Mobile touch slider with hardware accelerated...
Essential cross-platform UI components for React & Vue
JS library for reorderable drag-and-drop lists
Cropper JS
JavaScript image cropper tool
Lite YouTube Embed
A faster youtube embed.
Toast UI Grid
Visualize and edit data via its table representation
Fast 1kB functional library for creating Finite State Machines
# Freebies
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